Adventure time go tell your friends
Adventure time go tell your friends

adventure time go tell your friends

What’s more, you’ll learn a lot about yourself in a way that’s simply impossible when you’re in the midst of your normal daily routine. Some people have an innate aversion to doing things individually, but giving yourself alone time, especially for an extended period, is a gift that you will eventually learn to relish. Even if you’re not the type of person who goes off the grid when traveling, being alone on the road will give you the opportunity to reflect on life and enjoy your own company. Fortunately, solo travel offers the time and space that’s necessary for valuable alone time. In our ever-connected world filled with digital distractions, it can be a challenge to take the time that’s necessary to recharge one’s battery. I'm not suggesting you go on every vacation alone, but it would be a shame to skip local and far-flung destinations just because you don't feel like going by yourself. So go ahead and take a day trip to a nearby town or a month-long jaunt across Europe-this is your life to live and you deserve to have the travel experiences you want. Think of it this way: You have a limited amount of time and money to spend on travel, so why not customize it to your individual preferences so that you can maximize your satisfaction? If that’s not enough to convince you, here are ten reasons why you should consider solo travel.

adventure time go tell your friends

If you’ve ever wanted to travel alone but been too afraid, if it’s something you did once and vowed never to do again, if you absolutely hate the idea of going somewhere without someone you know, now’s the time to reconsider. In recent years, interest in traveling alone has skyrocketed, and those in the travel industry all over the world have come up with ways to cater to this growing segment. Like many travelers, I used to never go anywhere alone, but after a few eye-opening, life-changing experiences, I’m hooked on solo travel-and I’m not the only one. As a travel editor, I spend a lot of time on the road, often by myself, and I’ve learned that solo travel is easier than you might think, totally liberating, and completely rewarding in a way few other experiences in life can match. Though it may sound like something you’d find inside a fortune cookie, sometimes the best travel companion you can have is yourself.

Adventure time go tell your friends